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Free Fighter by Sean


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Free Fighter by Sean is an all-in-one script for fighting npcs across Runescape. With support for many free to play npcs ("Chicken", "Cow", "Cow Calf", "Seagull", "Goblin", "Hill Giant", "Flesh Crawler", "Minotaur", "Wolf", "Zombie", "Catablepon", "Ankou", "Barbarian", "Moss Giant") as well as many configurable options such as looting, alching, healing, special attacks, training goals, equipment upgrading, and more, Free Fighter is there to help level your account and gain easy gp.  


If you enjoy Free Fighter, please check out Pro Fighter!

Free Fighter features include:

Supported locations:
    ✔️ All locations currently supported by the Dax Walker:
        ✔️ All Cities (Except Lletya) including Zeah
        ✔️ Wilderness
        ✔️ Gnome Slayer Dungeon
        ✔️ Relleka Slayer Dungeon
        ✔️ Stronghold of Security
        ✔️ Most underground locations (Falador Mine, Varrock Sewers, etc)
Supported NPC's:
"Chicken", "Cow", "Cow Calf", "Seagull", "Goblin", "Hill Giant", "Flesh Crawler", "Minotaur", "Wolf", "Zombie", "Catablepon", "Ankou", "Barbarian", "Moss Giant"

Main features:    
✔️ Supports Preset and User generated profiles. Quickly get back to fighting with only a few mouse clicks!
✔️ Option to determine your fighting location using a center tile and check distance. Easily use the minimap to set up the perfect spot.
✔️ Option to define a requirement string for your profile. This can be used to ensure you have DFS equipped if fighting dragons, or to ensure you have a Dusty Key in your inventory if you're in taverley dungeon.
✔️ Easily pick NPCs to fight based on what is around you.
✔️ Food Type and count selection
✔️ Can configure the percent of your total health that you will eat at.
✔️ Option to heal with Guthans
✔️ Many looting options such as:
    ✔️ Looting by list. Load the drop table from your selected NPCs and loot any items that match your selections.
    ✔️ Loot by value. Loot any item over a value threshold determined by you.
    ✔️ Loot Bones. Loot all bones.
        ✔️ Option to bury bones.
    ✔️ Loot Arrows - Loot all arrows and bolts.
    ✔️ Option to only loot personal kills.
✔️ Ability to alch looted items. You select what items to alch.
✔️ Options to keep travel items in your inventory for quicker travel between tasks and the bank. This includes charged jewelry, ectophial, royal seedpod, and the dramen/lunar staff.
✔️ Ability to purchase new jewelry from the grand exchange when out of charges.
✔️ Ability to use special attacks in combat. Can swap weapons to use the special attack as well.
✔️ Ability to use a protection prayer of your choice.
✔️ Option to bank if out of prayer potions and withdraw a user configured number of prayer potions.
✔️ If using magic, the script will not deposit any runes.
✔️ Ability to use a safe spot. This will attempt to keep your character at the center tile.
✔️ Option for unreachable NPC's.
✔️ Cannon Supported
✔️ Automatic Equipment Upgrader:
    ✔️ Will automatically determine item progressions based on what your character is wearing when the script starts.
    ✔️ Will withdraw and equip any upgrades as your character levels up.
✔️ Potion support
✔️ Training Goals:
    ✔️ Has the ability to swap attack styles and profiles based on level goals. Example: Train attack, then strength, then defence to 10 using chickens. Then train attack, then strength, then defence to 20 using cows. All without turning off the script.

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On 1/27/2021 at 6:46 AM, JoshMa said:

I wanted to buy your Pro Fighter but you still didn't fix the problem of the path to the bank after fighting Flesh Crawlers.

Hey Josh,

I just added a pathlink for that rope so it should be able to make it back from flesh crawlers now. This should work after the next client update.

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On 1/30/2021 at 9:11 PM, Sean said:

Hey Josh,

I just added a pathlink for that rope so it should be able to make it back from flesh crawlers now. This should work after the next client update.

Thanks Sean,
Will definitely try that and then buy the Pro if it is working.
Thanks you again. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everybody!

I am new on the site and want to test the Free Fighter bevor buying the Pro.

Maybe i have bad eyes, but i dont find a Download Link for he "Free Fighter" from Sean. Could anybody help me please?

Greets. 😉


Edit: Mea Culpa - its already on the client. My fault, sorry. 😉

Edited by MKKogl
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  • 5 weeks later...
1 hour ago, boezone said:

this is shit on my account its not working this guy runs to forest and goes tunel i dont know why i set it to kill goblins in lumbridge 😄

maybe, if you give enough info it could be solved.


But saying shit is not working wont get you anywhere

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 months later...

I have a issue where it is not detecting nearby NPCs anymore. Cannot set up custom battles unless i edit a preset. However when i edited a preset ( hillgiants) it would not loot anything, or bury bones. Everything was set up properly. Uninstalled bot and deleted all folders, tried again twice, same issues 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/16/2021 at 2:35 AM, NFS said:

I have a issue where it is not detecting nearby NPCs anymore. Cannot set up custom battles unless i edit a preset. However when i edited a preset ( hillgiants) it would not loot anything, or bury bones. Everything was set up properly. Uninstalled bot and deleted all folders, tried again twice, same issues 

Got the same here. Any solution ?

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