Simple tutorial for you today, I'll be showing you how to compile a script without needing an IDE (ideal for non-scripters/programmers who would like to use a local script or two).
1. If you haven't already, copy and paste the code for the script you want into your favourite text editor. (Notepad works fine).
2. Save the script manually and ensure you set the name exactly as shown below, adding .java on to the end. (Also ensure you're saving as 'All files' not as a '.txt' document).
TIP: The name of the script you're compiling can be found like so:
The name of the script is the portion highlighted in yellow above (Note: it's case sensitive!). This part of the script will be near the top of the java file for future reference when trawling for the script name.
Now save the script like so:
Ensure you have the .java file extension written in, and it isn't saved as a standard text document.
3. Load this website.
4. Select the newly saved script file(s) as your 'Source file' , and use the 'epicbot-api-1.x.jar' as your 'Jar file'. It can be found at "C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\EpicBot\dependencies".
Your page should now look something like so:
If so, you can now hit compile. (The compilation may take a few seconds).
5. Download the newly compiled class file(s) (if it's more than one you can download the .zip supplied and extract it) and move them to: "C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\EpicBot\Scripts".
6. If you followed the steps correctly, your script(s) should now be present in the Script Selector within EpicBot. Happy botting!
If you hit any issues or have any queries, post below.