Pro Nightmare Zone
Pro Nightmare Zone features include:
✔️ Supports all Rumble Modes
✔️ All locations (or random) in the dream area
✔️ Stop on level, after minutes, or after number of dreams
✔️ Custom coffer refill amount
✔️ Supports all potions
✔️ Supports Rock Cake
✔️ Supports Protection Prayers, Stat Boosting Prayers, and Preserve
✔️ Flicks Rapid Heal
✔️ Custom Savable Profiles
Pro Nightmare Zone GUI:
Pro Nightmare Zone Screenshots:
About Pro Nightmare Zone
Pro Nightmare Zone by BloddyHarry is the best all-in-one script to bot the nightmare zone. It supports all rumble modes and all locations in the dream area. Intelligent stop after a certain level or number of dreams. It even supports custom refill amounts for the coffer, all potions, rock cake, and pots! Creating a lot of accounts? Then use savable profiles so you can easily setup your next account with the same settings!
Pro Nightmare Zone features include:
✔️ Supports all Rumble Modes
✔️ All locations (or random) in the dream area
✔️ Stop on level, after minutes, or after number of dreams
✔️ Custom coffer refill amount
✔️ Supports all potions
✔️ Supports Rock Cake
✔️ Supports Protection Prayers, Stat Boosting Prayers, and Preserve
✔️ Flicks Rapid Heal
✔️ Custom Savable Profiles
Pro Nightmare Zone GUI:
Pro Nightmare Zone Screenshots: