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Everything posted by Sellout

  1. Sellout

    Pro Wintertodt

    Never had this problem, it would always get at least 750 points on ea run while only fletching logs. What is your settup and mouse speeds etc?
  2. Sellout


    It does support it.
  3. RS updated so now EB needs to update. To get notified on when it is back online i would suggest joining the discord.
  4. Experiment for yourself and try different methods. When botting you can get banned, that's the risk of botting
  5. Eb does not have mobile support
  6. good to hear it is working now 🙂
  7. Have you tried to use an other browser?
  8. If you wanna make some mula, make sure to have this script
  9. For now it is not a script that is being worked on. But a cool script for the future
  10. Sellout

    Pro Hunter

    Got me some great progress!
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