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New Goldfarming House Photos

Claire Lovely

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So I started a RuneScape services recently and I have this great team in the Phillipines that is helping out. Recently they have moved into this new apartment and I thought that I would share some photos.

One of the things they like to do when not playing RuneScape is rescuing dogs that are abandoned by others or do not have a home. They currently have 6 rescues and are looking into getting much more.





This last dog here was bathed in heating oil by the old owner in an attempt to remove fleas, but she now has a home and is on the way to recovery.

Edited by Claire Lovely
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On 10/26/2020 at 9:48 PM, MrPker9 said:

Poor dogs man, humans have no limits when it comes to cruelty to animals

It's a sad story but they are now in good hands of humans who truly care for animals!

On 10/27/2020 at 2:36 PM, Sellout said:

It is good to see someone helping those poor dogs 😄


Goodluck moving in to your new apartment!!

So I live in the United States while my farmers are in the Phillipines but their new apartment is a big size upgrade! I think about 3x larger than the previous one they had.


One of the dogs just had puppies! 




Our orders have gone up a lot recently! We will continue to save many more.

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When you have a big house, keeping it clean is a real challenge. Something is constantly gathering dust, you need to wash the windows, floors, kitchen, and this takes a lot of time. Therefore, I recommend you to contact homeaglow cleaning service. Professionals come with everything they need, clean quickly and efficiently. As a result, you have a clean house and free time for your family or relaxation. I think this is a must-have for those who want to live in cleanliness and not spend their whole day on it.

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