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About MansNoThot

Global Moderators

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  1. Hello Everyone, There have been issues with our SDN. Suko the dev is currently working on a fix. It has not gone down once today. Join our discord to stay up to date.
  2. If you are running into max instance problem. Please join our discord and dm the Developer "Suko" your forum name. He should be able to fix this problem.
  3. Hello Tojum, Just keep an eye out in the discord. Our developer is currently fixing the SDN. It has not gone down once today so far.
  4. Hey! Can you join the discord and report this in #bugs please? https://discord.gg/zd3eGHcgMw
  5. You will have to wait. If you join the discord server, you will get notified.
  6. When you get VIP, it will give you the scripts listed under VIP. You do not get any paid for scripts that aren't listed as VIP.
  7. Hey sorry to hear. But its all about luck and how you bot. ive been about to run this from 50-98. But have had some not last long at all. Unfortunate luck but sad to say it happens when you bot.
  8. Dont understand what you mean by a "full script". There are plenty of open sourced scripts on here where you could look at the code and see what's implemented. I would suggest starting there.
  9. You can go to the store and purchase VIP which would increase the # of local instances and SDN instances.
  10. I do not believe that script would be worth making. You honestly probably could try making it yourself. Doesnt seem like a hard script to write at all. If you need help, join our discord and ask for assistance in #scripting or look at some open source scipts on the forums for guidance.
  11. https://discord.gg/zd3eGHcgMw sorry about that. Here is a link for you.
  12. Honestly a pretty good suggestion. I would suggest joining our discord and throwing it in the #suggestions chat.
  13. I apologize about this. If you could, could you get a screenshot and post it in the discord: https://discord.gg/pVPnsRChfN Thanks a bunch, MansNotHot
  14. Did this end up getting fixed for you? If not could you ask in the discord please? Once you ask there we can get you squared away with this issue.
  15. It should be working. The last time I used it, it would fish there with no problems. If you have any more problems please let us know in https://discord.gg/pVPnsRChfN 🙂
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