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Everything posted by SoupyOfficial

  1. After some testing I found a small bug in this code. When a random event NPC appears for another player it tries to dismiss that NPC indefinitely. Here's some untested attempts to fix the issue private void handleRandomNPC() { NPC npc = ctx.npcs().query().results().nearest(); if (npc == null) return; if (!npc.hasAction("Dismiss") || !npc.getMessage().contains("SoupyOficial") || !npc.isInteractingWithMe()) return; ctx.mouse().moveRandomly(Random.nextInt(500,4000)); npc.interact("Dismiss"); System.out.println(npc.getName() + " dismissed"); randomsHandled++; ctx.mouse().moveOffScreen(); }
  2. Do you have any resources or tutorials on how to implement ScriptTask instead of LoopScript? I've been working on my own questing scripts and can't seem to figure it out.
  3. SoupyOfficial

    Quest Bot

    I think the Romeo and Juliet / Goblin Diplomacy quests would be perfect additions. I actually have a Romeo and Juliet script (Still needs a little work) if you'd like to work with that.
  4. Hello all I've been working on a tutorial island script and I've got most of the hard coding done but there are still a lot of bugs and places the script gets caught so if anyone wants to join me in working on it I've posted the code below. package TutorialIsland; import com.epicbot.api.shared.APIContext; import com.epicbot.api.shared.GameType; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.NPC; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.SceneObject; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.WidgetChild; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.details.Locatable; import com.epicbot.api.shared.methods.*; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.Area; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.SceneOffset; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.Tile; import com.epicbot.api.shared.query.NPCQueryBuilder; import com.epicbot.api.shared.query.SceneObjectQueryBuilder; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.LoopScript; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.ScriptManifest; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.details.Completable; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.paint.frame.PaintFrame; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.time.Time; import java.awt.*; @ScriptManifest(name = "Tutorial Island 1.12", gameType = GameType.OS) public class TutorialIsland extends LoopScript { private Status status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA8; public IInventoryAPI myInventory() { return getAPIContext().inventory(); } public IEquipmentAPI myEquipment() {return getAPIContext().equipment(); } public IWebWalkingAPI webWalking() { return getAPIContext().webWalking(); } public ILocalPlayerAPI myPlayer() { return getAPIContext().localPlayer(); } public IBankAPI myBank() {return getAPIContext().bank(); } public IDialogueAPI dialogue() { return getAPIContext().dialogues(); } public NPCQueryBuilder NPCQuery() { return getAPIContext().npcs().query(); } public IWidgetsAPI widgets() { return getAPIContext().widgets(); } public IMenuAPI menu() { return getAPIContext().menu(); } public SceneObjectQueryBuilder objectQuery() { return getAPIContext().objects().query(); } public ICameraAPI myCamera() { return getAPIContext().camera(); } public Area TASK_AREA; public NPC npc; public SceneObject sceneObject; public WidgetChild widgetChild; public int dialogueProgress = 0; public int areaProgress = 0; public Locatable fishingSpot = new Locatable() { @Override public int getY() { return 3092; } @Override public SceneOffset getSceneOffset() { return null; } @Override public Tile getLocation() { return new Tile(3101, 3092); } @Override public int getPlane() { return 0; } @Override public int getX() { return 3101; } @Override public boolean isValid() { return false; } }; public Locatable ratSpot = new Locatable() { @Override public int getY() { return 9519; } @Override public SceneOffset getSceneOffset() { return null; } @Override public Tile getLocation() { return new Tile(3110, 9519); } @Override public int getPlane() { return 0; } @Override public int getX() { return 3110; } @Override public boolean isValid() { return false; } }; @Override public boolean onStart(String... strings) { System.out.println("Starting " + getManifest().name()); return true; } @Override protected void onPause() { System.out.println("Script is paused"); getAPIContext().mouse().moveOffScreen(); } @Override protected void onPaint(Graphics2D g, APIContext ctx) { PaintFrame frame = new PaintFrame(getManifest().name()); frame.addLine("Current State:", status); frame.draw(g, 0, 25, ctx); } @Override protected int loop() { doTasks(); return 650; } private enum Status { LOGGING_IN("Logging In"), WAITING_TO_START("Waiting to start"), COMPLETING_AREA1("Completing Starting Area"), COMPLETING_AREA2("Completing Survival Area"), COMPLETING_AREA3("Completing Cooking Area"), COMPLETING_AREA4("Completing Quest Area"), COMPLETING_AREA5("Completing Mining Area"), COMPLETING_AREA6("Completing Combat Area"), COMPLETING_AREA7("Completing Bank Area"), COMPLETING_AREA8("Completing Prayer Area"), COMPLETING_AREA9("Completing Magic Area"); private final String msg; Status(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } @Override public String toString() { return this.msg; } } private void doTasks() { switch (status) { case LOGGING_IN: if (getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()) status = Status.WAITING_TO_START; break; case WAITING_TO_START: if(!widgets().get(558,3).isVisible()) { Time.sleep(650); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA1; } break; case COMPLETING_AREA1: Area1(); break; case COMPLETING_AREA2: Area2(); break; case COMPLETING_AREA3: Area3(); break; case COMPLETING_AREA4: Area4(); break; case COMPLETING_AREA5: Area5(); break; case COMPLETING_AREA6: Area6(); break; case COMPLETING_AREA7: Area7(); break; case COMPLETING_AREA8: Area8(); break; case COMPLETING_AREA9: Area9(); break; default: break; } } public void Area1() { //SELECT APPEARANCE if(widgets().get(679, 68).isVisible()) { widgets().get(679, 68).interact(); Time.sleep(1300); } //Talk to NPC npc = NPCQuery().id(3308).reachable().results().nearest(); if(!npc.isVisible()) { myCamera().turnTo(npc); } while(!npc.interact()) { npc.interact(); } Time.sleep(2200); while(dialogue().isDialogueOpen()) { switch (dialogue().getDialogueType()) { case CONTINUE: dialogue().selectContinue(); Time.sleep(650); break; case OPTION: widgetChild = widgets().query().textContains("I am an experienced player.").results().first(); widgetChild.interact(); System.out.println(widgetChild.getText()); Time.sleep(950); break; default: break; } } //Open Settings Tab Time.sleep(2650); widgets().get(164, 46).interact(); Time.sleep(650); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3308); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA2; } public void Area2() { //Navigate to next task walkToArea(3101, 3094, 3104, 3098); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(8503); //Open Inventory Tab widgets().get(164, 54).interact(); Time.sleep(650); //Net fishing spot myCamera().turnTo(fishingSpot); Time.sleep(950); fishingSpot.getLocation().click(); Time.sleep(13650); //Open Levels Tab Time.sleep(650); while(!widgets().get(164, 52).interact()); Time.sleep(650); //Talk to NPC while(!talkToNPC(8503)); //Cut down tree interactSceneObject(9730); Time.sleep(14650); //Light fire myInventory().interactItem("Use", 590); Time.sleep(650); myInventory().selectItem(2511); Time.sleep(9650); //Cook shrimp myInventory().interactItem("Use", 2514); Time.sleep(650); interactSceneObject(26185); Time.sleep(8650); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA3; } public void Area3() { //Navigate to next task walkToArea(3075, 3083, 3077, 3085); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3305); //Use flour on water myInventory().interactItem("Use", 2516); Time.sleep(650); myInventory().interactItem("Use", 1929); Time.sleep(950); //Use dough on oven myInventory().interactItem("Use", 2307); Time.sleep(650); interactSceneObject(9736); Time.sleep(650); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA4; } public void Area4() { //Navigate to next task walkToArea(3084, 3122, 3087, 3124); //Talk to NPC sleepUntil(() -> talkToNPC(3312), 30000, 1000); //Open Quests Tab Time.sleep(1650); sleepUntil(() -> widgets().get(164, 53).click(), 5000, 1000); Time.sleep(650); //Talk to NPC sleepUntil(() -> talkToNPC(3312), 30000, 1000); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA5; } public void Area5() { //Navigate to next tasks walkToArea(3078, 9503, 3082, 9508); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3311); //Open Inventory Tab // widgets().get(164, 54).interact(); // Time.sleep(650); //Mine tin interactSceneObject(10080); Time.sleep(6650); //Mine copper interactSceneObject(10079); Time.sleep(8650); //Use furnace interactSceneObject(10082); Time.sleep(13650); //Talk to NPC sleepUntil(() -> talkToNPC(3311), 30000, 1000); //Smelt dagger interactSceneObject(2097); Time.sleep(6650); widgets().get(312, 9).interact(); Time.sleep(650); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA6; } public void Area6() { //Navigate to next task sleepUntil(() -> walkToArea(3104, 9506, 3106, 9508), 30000, 1000); //Talk to NPC sleepUntil(() -> talkToNPC(3307), 30000, 1000); //Open Equipment Tab sleepUntil(() -> widgets().get(164, 55).interact(), 5000, 1000); Time.sleep(650); sleepUntil(() -> widgets().get(387, 1).interact(), 5000, 1000); Time.sleep(1650); //Equip dagger while (!myEquipment().contains(1205)) { widgets().get(85, 0).getChild(8).interact(); Time.sleep(650); } Time.sleep(1650); //Close window widgets().get(84, 3).getChild(11).interact(); Time.sleep(950); //Talk to NPC sleepUntil(() -> talkToNPC(3307), 30000, 1000); //Equip sword and shield wieldWeapon(1277); Time.sleep(650); wieldWeapon(1171); Time.sleep(650); //Open gate interactSceneObject(9720); Time.sleep(5950); //Open Combat Tab widgets().get(164, 51).interact(); Time.sleep(950); //Open gate webWalking().walkTo(ratSpot); Time.sleep(4650); //Attack rat npc = NPCQuery().id(3313).reachable().results().nearest(); while (npc == null || npc.getId() != 3313) { npc = NPCQuery().id(3313).reachable().results().nearest(); Time.sleep(650); } if (!npc.isVisible()) { myCamera().turnTo(npc); } while(!npc.interact("Attack")); Time.sleep(2650); while (myPlayer().isInCombat() || myPlayer().isAttacking() || myPlayer().isMoving() || myPlayer().isAnimating()) { } //Navigate to NPC webWalking().walkTo(TASK_AREA.getRandomTile()); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3307); //Equip bow and arrow wieldWeapon(841); Time.sleep(650); wieldWeapon(882); Time.sleep(650); //Attack rat npc = NPCQuery().id(3313).results().nearest(); if (!npc.isVisible()) { myCamera().turnTo(npc); } npc.interact("Attack"); Time.sleep(2650); while (myPlayer().isInCombat() || myPlayer().isAttacking() || myPlayer().isMoving() || myPlayer().isAnimating()) { Time.sleep(3650); } //Navigate to ladder walkToArea(3109, 9524, 3112, 9526); //Climb up ladder interactSceneObject(9727); Time.sleep(650); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA7; } public void Area7() { //Navigate to next task walkToArea(3120, 3120, 3123, 3123); //Open bank interactSceneObject(10083); Time.sleep(2650); //Close bank myBank().close(); Time.sleep(1650); //Use poll booth while (!dialogue().isDialogueOpen()) { interactSceneObject(26815); Time.sleep(1300); } sleepUntil(() -> !dialogue().isDialogueOpen(IDialogueAPI.DialogueType.CONTINUE), 3000, 1000); Time.sleep(650); while(dialogue().isDialogueOpen()) { dialogue().selectContinue(); } Time.sleep(2650); //Navigate to next task walkToArea(3125, 3123, 3127, 3124); Time.sleep(1300); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3310); //Open Account Tab widgets().get(164, 38).interact(); Time.sleep(650); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3310); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA8; } public void Area8() { //Navigate to next task walkToArea(3124, 3104, 3126, 3109); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3319); Time.sleep(2650); //Open Prayer Tab widgets().get(164, 56).interact(); Time.sleep(650); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3319); Time.sleep(2650); //Open Friends Tab widgets().get(164, 45).interact(); Time.sleep(1650); //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3319); status = Status.COMPLETING_AREA9; } public void Area9() { while(areaProgress == 0) { //Navigate to next task walkToArea(3140, 3087, 3142, 3089); if(TASK_AREA.contains(myPlayer().getLocation())) { areaProgress = 1; } } while(areaProgress == 1) { //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3309); areaProgress = 2; } while(areaProgress == 2) { //Open Spells Tab if(widgets().get(164, 57).click()) { areaProgress = 3; } } while (areaProgress == 3) { //Talk to NPC talkToNPC(3309); if(myInventory().contains(556)) { areaProgress = 4; } } //Select air spell widgets().get(218, 7).interact(); //Attack chicken while (npc.getId() != 3316) { npc = NPCQuery().id(3316).results().nearest(); Time.sleep(650); } if (!npc.isVisible()) { myCamera().turnTo(npc); Time.sleep(650); } npc.interact("Cast"); Time.sleep(2650); //Talk to NPC npc = NPCQuery().id(3309).reachable().results().nearest(); if(!npc.isVisible()) { myCamera().turnTo(npc); Time.sleep(650); } while(!npc.interact()) { npc.interact(); Time.sleep(650); } Time.sleep(2200); while(dialogue().isDialogueOpen() || npc.isInteractingWithMe()) { switch (dialogue().getDialogueType()) { case CONTINUE: dialogue().selectContinue(); Time.sleep(650); break; case OPTION: switch (dialogueProgress) { case 0: widgetChild = widgets().query().textContains("Yes.").results().first(); widgetChild.interact(); System.out.println(widgetChild.getText()); dialogueProgress = 1; break; case 1: widgetChild = widgets().query().textContains("No, I'm not planning to do that").results().first(); widgetChild.interact(); System.out.println(widgetChild.getText()); dialogueProgress = 0; break; default: break; } Time.sleep(950); break; default: break; } } //Select Main Worlds widgets().get(788, 40).interact(); Time.sleep(650); widgets().get(788, 15).interact(); getAPIContext().script().stop("Tutorial Island Completed"); } public boolean walkToArea(int a, int b, int c, int d) { TASK_AREA = new Area(a, b, c, d); while (!TASK_AREA.contains(myPlayer().getLocation())) { webWalking().walkTo(TASK_AREA.getRandomTile()); } Time.sleep(1300); return true; } public boolean interactSceneObject(int objectID) { sceneObject = objectQuery().id(objectID).reachable().results().nearest(); if(!sceneObject.isVisible()) { myCamera().turnTo(sceneObject); } while(!sceneObject.interact()) { sceneObject.interact(); } Time.sleep(650); while (myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isMoving()) { } return true; } public void wieldWeapon(int equipmentID) { while (!myEquipment().contains(equipmentID)) { myInventory().interactItem("Wield", equipmentID); Time.sleep(650); } } public boolean talkToNPC(int NPCID) { while (npc == null || npc.getId() != NPCID) { npc = NPCQuery().id(NPCID).reachable().results().nearest(); Time.sleep(650); } if(!npc.isVisible()) { myCamera().turnTo(npc); Time.sleep(650); } while(!npc.interact()) { npc.interact(); Time.sleep(650); } Time.sleep(2200); while(dialogue().isDialogueOpen() || npc.isInteractingWithMe()) { dialogue().selectContinue(); Time.sleep(650); } return true; } protected boolean sleepUntil(final Completable supplier, int timeout, int sleepTime) { return Time.sleep(timeout, supplier, sleepTime); } }
  5. Hey guys I'm fairly new to writing script and I'm still working through the API docs. Is there an easy way to check if random events appear? If not could we check the chat box for message that contain the account username? Open to any ideas
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