vsun Posted December 1, 2021 Share Posted December 1, 2021 I've been interested in writing a bot for a while but doing 2000 laps of the Ape Atoll course is what finally broke me. Here's the completed script I wrote for doing the course. It'll only work if you run it at the start or end tile of an obstacle. I tried to add code to get back on the course if the player went off, but I ran into a bunch of issues navigating to the start/end tiles and gave up. Please let me know about any Java best practices I missed and how I can improve/clean this up since it's my first script. import com.epicbot.api.shared.APIContext; import com.epicbot.api.shared.GameType; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.ItemWidget; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.SceneObject; import com.epicbot.api.shared.methods.*; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.Tile; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.LoopScript; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.ScriptManifest; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.Random; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.paint.frame.PaintFrame; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.time.Time; import java.awt.*; @ScriptManifest(name = "ApeAtollAgility", gameType = GameType.OS) public class ApeAtollAgility extends LoopScript { private long startTime; private int laps; private int originalExperience; private ICameraAPI camera() { return getAPIContext().camera(); } private IInventoryAPI inventory() { return getAPIContext().inventory(); } private ILocalPlayerAPI localPlayer() { return getAPIContext().localPlayer(); } private IMouseAPI mouse() { return getAPIContext().mouse(); } private IObjectsAPI objects() { return getAPIContext().objects(); } private IWebWalkingAPI webWalking() { return getAPIContext().webWalking(); } private IWalkingAPI walking() { return getAPIContext().walking(); } private final String[] COURSE = { "Stepping stone", "Tropical tree", "Monkeybars", "Skull slope", "Rope", "Tropical tree" }; private final String[] ACTIONS = { "Jump-to", "Climb", "Swing Across", "Climb-up", "Swing", "Climb-down" }; private final Tile[] STARTS = { new Tile(2755, 2742, 0), new Tile(2753, 2742, 0), new Tile(2752, 2742, 2), new Tile(2747, 2741, 0), new Tile(2751, 2731, 0), new Tile(2758, 2734, 0) }; private final Tile[] ENDS = { new Tile(2753, 2742, 0), new Tile(2753, 2742, 2), new Tile(2747, 2741, 0), new Tile(2742, 2741, 0), new Tile(2756, 2731, 0), new Tile(2770, 2747, 0) }; private int missed = 0; private boolean isIdle() { return !localPlayer().isAnimating() && !localPlayer().isMoving(); } private boolean isOnTile(Tile t) { Tile currTile = localPlayer().getLocation(); return currTile.equals(t); } private boolean needStaminaDose() { return walking().getRunEnergy() < Math.random() * 40 && !localPlayer().isStaminaActive(); } private ItemWidget findStaminaDose() { String fmt = "Stamina potion(%d)"; for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { ItemWidget stam = inventory().getItem(String.format(fmt, i)); if (stam != null) { return stam; } } return null; } private boolean shouldExit() { if (!getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()) { return false; } return findStaminaDose() == null && walking().getRunEnergy() < 20; } private void doHumanWait() { double p = Math.random(); if (p < 0.01) { int secs = Random.nextInt(90, 150); getLogger().info(String.format("Long sleeping for %d seconds", secs)); mouse().moveOffScreen(); Time.sleep(secs * 1000); } else if (p < 0.04) { int secs = Random.nextInt(10, 20); getLogger().info(String.format("Sleeping for %d seconds", secs)); mouse().moveOffScreen(); Time.sleep(secs * 1000); } } private int findCurrentStep(Tile t) { for (int i = 0; i < STARTS.length; i++) { Tile s = STARTS[i]; if (t.equals(s)) { return i; } } for (int i = 0; i < ENDS.length; i++) { Tile e = ENDS[i]; if (t.equals(e)) { return (i + 1) % ENDS.length; } } return -1; } private boolean doCourseStep() throws Exception { Tile curr = localPlayer().getLocation(); int i = findCurrentStep(curr); if (i == -1) { if (missed >= 10) { throw new Exception("Missed too many obstacles"); } // usually only logs on the stepping stone since it "wakes" when on the stone getLogger().info("Did not find current step"); missed++; return false; } missed = 0; String name = COURSE[i]; String action = ACTIONS[i]; Tile s = STARTS[i]; Tile e = ENDS[i]; getLogger().info(String.format("%s %s: %d", action, name, i)); SceneObject obstacle = objects().query().named(name).results().nearest(); if (obstacle == null) { // if we don't see it, move to the start walking().walkOnMap(s); Time.sleep(4000, () -> isOnTile(s) && isIdle()); } else { // if we see it, do the action on it if (obstacle.interact(action)) { doHumanWait(); Time.sleep(3000, () -> isOnTile(e) && isIdle()); } } if (i == COURSE.length - 1) { laps++; } // Time.sleep(100); return isOnTile(e); } private String convertToHHMMSS(long ms) { int total = (int) (ms / 1000); int h = total / 3600; int m = (total % 3600) / 60; int s = total % 60; return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); } private int getExpGained() { return getAPIContext().skills().agility().getExperience() - originalExperience; } @Override protected int loop() { if (shouldExit()) { return -1; } if (!isIdle()) { Time.sleep(600, () -> isIdle()); } else if (needStaminaDose()) { ItemWidget stam = findStaminaDose(); if (stam != null) { stam.interact("Drink"); } } else { try { doCourseStep(); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().error(e.toString()); return -1; } } return 690; } @Override public boolean onStart(String... strings) { if (!getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()) { return false; } startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); laps = 0; originalExperience = getAPIContext().skills().agility().getExperience(); getLogger().info("Starting script"); ICameraAPI cam = camera(); cam.setPitch(98, false); cam.setYawDeg(0, false); return true; } @Override protected void onPaint(Graphics2D g, APIContext ctx) { if (!getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()) { Time.sleep(15000, () -> getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()); } long totalMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; PaintFrame frame = new PaintFrame(); frame.setTitle("Stats"); frame.addLine("Time elapsed: ", convertToHHMMSS(totalMillis)); frame.addLine("Total laps: ", laps); frame.addLine("Exp gained: ", getExpGained()); frame.draw(g, 0, 90, ctx); } } 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sellout Posted December 3, 2021 Share Posted December 3, 2021 Nice 😄 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alex_unique_modifi Posted July 27, 2022 Share Posted July 27, 2022 lmao. desperate times calls for desperate measures Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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