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Pro Fighter by Sean


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Please post bugs for this script by following the format.

Bug Description:
How to recreate the bug:

Thanks. If a bug has been acknowledged by me, please try not to repost it, it will get fixed ASAP.

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  • Global Moderators

When trying to setup pro fighter to eat food, i set it up correctly and hit start. If i had the food in the inventory it will bank the food and start to go kill the monsters. If the food is in the bank it wont run to the bank to grab the food.

Check Distance: 13; Start Tile: 3201,3291,0; Eating Percent: 65; Food Count: 28; Food Type: Salmon; Loot Bones: false; Bury Bones: false; Use Special: false; Special: 0; Loot Other: false; Loot Min: 5000; Loot List: false; 0 3 2793 - Cow 2790 - Cow 2791 - Cow Use Prayer: false; Prayer: 0; Bank Prayer: false; Num Prayer: 3; 0 Need Rope: false; Requirements: ; Use Magic: false; Upgrade Equipment: true; Use Alch: false; 0 Safe Spot: false; Unreachable: false; Cannon: false; Use Teletab: false; Teletab: 0; Use Guthans: false; Drop Yak: false; Use Training Goals: true; 3 Attack:40:CoWSS Strength:40:CoWSS Defence:40:CoWSS



EDIT: Now it seems to work.

Edited by Mansnothot
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  • 1 month later...
19 hours ago, Josh said:

After the inventory was emptied from food and it trying to go back to the bank, the bot is stuck near the door and that's it.

Here is a screen shot:




Thank you for the report. I will ensure this object gets added to the Web Walker.


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On 1/11/2021 at 5:00 PM, Josh said:

Now, after the last update the script has another problem - it is stuck on the way back to the Crawlers and it doesn't return any ERROR in the log.

Here is a screenshot - 



Hey so your problem is that your fighting radius is too large. Make it smaller to contain it in the room with the flesh crawlers. Right now, it sees you as in the fighting area but there are no available npcs because of the doors. 

Edited by Sean
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36 minutes ago, Sean said:


Hey so your problem is that your fighting radius is too large. Make it smaller to contain it in the room with the flesh crawlers. Right now, it sees you as in the fighting area but there are no available npcs because of the doors. 

Understood. Thank you.

If there will be something else I'll report.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Pro Fighter v11

- Modified the order in which we withdraw items from the bank.

- Updated prayer drinking logic. Now drinks to maximize prayer dose restore value rather than a random value.

- Added option to keep prayer on between combat

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  • 1 month later...

I'm trying to kill chickens at Lumbridge, and it works about 4-5 mins until my character randomly decided to run off to Draynor Village.

I am constantly getting this error maybe 5 times in 10 seconds. I've changed settings from default, to even changing to custom tiles, and changing the range, and only one type of chicken. Still same Error message.



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  • 3 years later...

After starting Pro Fighter script, the script says Starting... but it doesn't actually start the script. Any ideas if anyone else is experiencing this same issue? 😕

Edit: nevermind I've just used one of the preset options and now its working for some strange reason 😅

Edited by DogasGaming
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  • 1 month later...

Flesh Crawlers - Cannot Get Passed Through First Gate out of Two Gates in Total within Stronghold of Security

Hi @Sean

I've been having this bug for a very long time now, for when I try to train at Flesh Crawlers in the SoS, I just can;t seem to get passed the first gate all the way left side indicated in the green marked screenshot below:


The error log I'm receiving for this is as follows:

[02:53:33.864][INFO][c][76] Loading SDN scripts
[02:54:27.778][INFO][RandomHandler][6256] Stopped
[02:55:39.859][INFO][Pro Fighter][6256] [Equipment Upgrader] - Adding Progression From Item: Adamant Longsword
[02:55:39.861][INFO][Pro Fighter][6256] Starting Pro Fighter
[02:55:40.117][INFO][Pro Fighter][9231] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 0 Tiles.
[02:55:40.146][INFO][Pro Fighter][9231] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 1764 Tiles.
[02:55:40.649][INFO][Pro Fighter][9231] GUI has been initialized. Waiting to be visible...
[02:55:40.650][INFO][Pro Fighter][9231] GUI is now open. Press start after configuring the script.
[02:58:01.018][ERROR][EventBus-Bot1][82] Exception thrown by subscriber Con.onRenderEvent() when dispatching event: com.epicbot.api.shared.event.RenderEvent
	at sun.font.FontDesignMetrics.stringWidth(FontDesignMetrics.java:472)
	at Con.onPaint(fc:605)
	at com.epicbot.api.shared.script.Script.onRenderEvent(rha:89)
	at com.epicbot.core.event.k.K(ec:51)
	at com.epicbot.core.event.A.post(ec:165)
	at com.epicbot.core.l.p.I.K(nu:128)
	at com.epicbot.core.l.p.I.K(nu:49)
	at com.epicbot.core.i.l.c.getGraphics(kh:209)
	at bq.aw(bq.java:41)
	at ir.iq(ir.java:4935)
	at dx.jb(dx.java:6223)
	at ku.jc(ku.java:6157)
	at client.gt(client.java:2691)
	at client.bc(client.java:1240)
	at bz.ax(bz.java:394)
	at bz.run(bz.java:371)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[02:58:01.083][ERROR][EventBus-Bot1][82] Exception thrown by subscriber Con.onRenderEvent() when dispatching event: com.epicbot.api.shared.event.RenderEvent
	at sun.font.FontDesignMetrics.stringWidth(FontDesignMetrics.java:472)
	at Con.onPaint(fc:605)
	at com.epicbot.api.shared.script.Script.onRenderEvent(rha:89)
	at com.epicbot.core.event.k.K(ec:51)
	at com.epicbot.core.event.A.post(ec:165)
	at com.epicbot.core.l.p.I.K(nu:128)
	at com.epicbot.core.l.p.I.K(nu:49)
	at com.epicbot.core.i.l.c.getGraphics(kh:209)
	at bq.aw(bq.java:41)
	at client.by(client.java:1286)
	at bz.bx(bz.java:424)
	at bz.run(bz.java:373)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[02:58:10.811][INFO][Pro Fighter][9231] Completed Setup. Starting...
[03:03:33.863][INFO][c][76] Loading SDN scripts

Could you asap take a look at this issue please?

Thanks a lot for your support in advance! appreciate it!


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Pro Fighter - Training Goals Feature Doesn't Work

Hi @Sean

Also the Training Goals feature doesn't unfortunately work anymore.

It will just keep on using the same combat style without changing to the next set combat style after a set specific level.


I currently don't have any error logs to demonstrate the issue to you, but could you please take a look and fix this issue for us please?

Thanks in advance for your support!

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Pro Fighter - Strange Bug/Glitch Where My OSRS Character Turns Invisible & All My Items In My Current Inventory and Bank Gets Converted Into Dwarf Looking Man Named "Null"

Dear @Sean

Since 2 days ago, I've also been experiencing the following bug where after a while my character just turns invisible and all of my items in my current inventory gets converted into a weird/funny dwarf head named "null".

Do you know if this error occurs from Jagex's side or from Epicbot's side? or could be that its from the Pro Fighter itself?

Here are some of the screenshots and error logs as follows:



The error log I've received for this is as follows:

[01:12:01.647][INFO][STDOUT][72] Walking to bank
[01:12:02.155][INFO][RandomHandler][89] Starting random: Login
[01:12:02.650][ERROR][ScriptTaskContainer][72] Error during executing task: 'com.epicbot.api.shared.script.LoopScript$LoopTask'
	at com.epicbot.api.l.l.l.l.l.l.j.f(dea:61)
	at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:174)
	at java.util.LinkedList$LLSpliterator.forEachRemaining(LinkedList.java:1235)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:482)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:472)
	at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(ReduceOps.java:708)
	at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234)
	at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.collect(ReferencePipeline.java:566)
	at com.epicbot.api.l.l.l.l.l.l.j.K(dea:94)
	at com.epicbot.api.l.l.l.l.l.I.walkToBank(sca:95)
	at com.epicbot.api.l.l.l.l.l.I.walkToBank(sca:57)
	at com.epicbot.api.l.e.i.B.walkToBank(bda:122)
	at Con.loop(fc:1004)
	at com.epicbot.api.shared.script.LoopScript$LoopTask.run(tha:129)
	at com.epicbot.api.shared.script.ScriptTaskContainer.runTask(uda:85)
	at com.epicbot.api.shared.script.ScriptTaskContainer.run(uda:41)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[01:12:07.566][ERROR][EventBus-Bot1][68] Exception thrown by subscriber Con.onRenderEvent() when dispatching event: com.epicbot.api.shared.event.RenderEvent
[01:12:07.601][ERROR][EventBus-Bot1][68] Exception thrown by subscriber Con.onRenderEvent() when dispatching event: com.epicbot.api.shared.event.RenderEvent
[01:12:07.832][ERROR][EventBus-Bot1][68] Exception thrown by subscriber Con.onRenderEvent() when dispatching event: com.epicbot.api.shared.event.RenderEvent
[01:12:08.379][INFO][STDOUT][68] Error: nm.ap() rp.av() ok.aj() | | java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | 547 458 2502
[01:12:08.488][INFO][STDOUT][68] Error: nm.ap() ob.am() ok.aj() | | java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | 2616 2262 2305

I hope you can also take a look at this bug/glitch as well!

Thanks again for your support in advance!



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  • 1 month later...

hi, it seems like the special attack cannot be triggered for the wielded weapon. when weapon specified for special attack is placed in inventory (with another weapon wielded), it just keep swapping between the 2 weapons while in combat.

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