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How To Use & Get Started With EpicBot - NEW? READ!


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Setup guide by @Sellout




Getting started

Welcome to the Epicbot setup guide, this guide will show you how to get started with Epicbot. By the end of this guide you will know how to set up epicbot on your system and how to start your first bot. So let's get started shall we? For a video version of how to get started and use EpicBot see below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0iPXTxG50Q



Creating a forum account

        The first thing you need to get started is a forum account, you can create one HERE. Once you have reached the website you can create a new account by clicking here:


Once clicked you will be prompted with a page, here you can enter your details for account creation:


When you have created an account an email will be sent to the filled in email. If you can't find it make sure you also check your spam folder. In this email there will be a link to register your account, once that is done we can start downloading the client once the account is fully registered.



Old Epicbot accounts won't work, this is a new client with a new team and website, the old Epic bot is no more


Downloading the client

When You have created your account you can start by downloading the Epicbot client HERE. Here you have an option between multiple operating systems:


Download the file needed for your operating system.



If you can only use max 4GB of ram on windows, download the 64-bit version



Extracting and installing the client

        Next thing we need to do is to extract the client. You can find the client in ‘C:\Users\Yourname\Downloads’. If you have trouble with that make sure to check THIS.

Once extracted you can open the epic folder and you should see the following:



Here click on the ‘Epicbot.exe’, this will prompt you with the following:


The very first time it will start to download all the files it needs, give it a second. You can also change the amount of ram you want to use, this is named ‘Heap Size’ in the loader.

Also, if you still have no forum account now is the right time to make one, we can't do the next step without it. When everything is ready and the ‘Launch’ button appears, press that button and you will see the following:


Here you can fill in your credentials from the forums. You can either use the username or the creation email address in combination with your created password.

If you have trouble with logging in, try to reset your password on the forums and try again.


Using the client

        When everything is setup and you are logged in we can start using the client!

The first thing you will see when you are logged in is this:



Adding a Runescape account

        Before we can start botting we need to add the Runescape accounts we want to use, this is possible by clicking the image1.png.86252c8b7b6d18f7374c75bd3763e468.png button in the left right corner.

Once pressed you should see the following:



Here you are able to add a Runescape account by pressing the ‘Add’ button. 

Also you are able to edit and remove accounts already added. The ‘New Encryption Key’ will re-hash your password list.

Once pressed you should see the following:


Fill in the credentials of your desired runescape account. You can also specify the starting world and if the account is member or not. When everything is filled in you can press the ‘Add Account’ button to save the account the account database.


Adding a proxy

        If you don’t feel like using your home IP you can use a proxy to mask it. Runescape only works with an Ipv4 Socks5 proxy, anything else will not be able to connect. To add a proxy click the  image13.png.3fa7c83b1e4dceebeb885d192d9d7176.png button in the low left corner. Once clicked you should see the following:


Here you are able to add you proxy by clicking the  image16.png.7db80c6185100c14cb1152eabe02f403.png button.

You can also edit or remove a proxy by first selecting it, and then pressing either ‘Edit’ or ‘Remove’.


When you have clicked on that you will see this:



Here you are able to fill in all the proxy settings you got from your proxy provider. Fill in the ip-address and port number and the optional username and password and hit the image18.png.29c213a2a7bb850896996bcf9299ca92.png button. Now you have saved the proxy to the proxy database.

After doing this you are able to select this proxy when adding a client.



Adding a client

Click on the green image19.png.0fb2fe021ad97b83fe8b2085a123e739.png button underneath the house image21.png.ed9a4fe38d6a913a09286f3af78ff42f.png and the following will prompt:

If you added a proxy in the last steps you are able to select that proxy from the dropdown menu. If you leave this blank Epicbot will use your home ip to connect to runescape. Once everything is filled in you can hit the image11.png.b311efe4a0d9a0899b817ac560c052a1.png button and a new client will spawn.


Starting your first script

        So now that we have setup Epicbot and know how to start a new client, we now can start our first script.


To start your first script press the play button in the top right of the client:




Once clicked you will see the following:


In the ‘Account’ tab you will be able to add the account you just added.
You can also choose between different mouse profile speeds.

There should be a plethora of different scripts for you to use. Select the script you want to use and press the ‘Start script’



        When you encounter bugs in the scripts you are using or in the client then you can report them HerePlease make sure to use the given template when reporting a bug, this will make the bug fixing easier for your scripting buddies. 



This is it for now. You now know how to get started with Epicbot.

More information will be added along the way.


Useful Links

If you haven't joined the discord then feel free to do so!


Website          Here

Forum        Here

Discord           Here

Download        Here

Bugs                Here


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  • 7 months later...

I wish there was some kind of schedule on this bot client, the current built in function is not working. Also, can admin please change my username... Stupid to have such a word in a random name generator, should be removed...

Also, the save function is broken. When I start Woodcutter Pro and set my settings and then "Save", nothing happens...

Edited by nigger200
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32 minutes ago, 200 said:

I wish there was some kind of schedule on this bot client, the current built in function is not working. Also, can admin please change my username... Stupid to have such a word in a random name generator, should be removed...

Also, the save function is broken. When I start Woodcutter Pro and set my settings and then "Save", nothing happens...

Which woodcutter

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

Which woodcutter


I purchased "Pro Woodcutter". I start the bot, then the GUI shows up after about 20 seconds or so. I modify some settings and click "Save". The Save-button does nothing. All I can do is press start.

Regarding the scheduling, whenever I try to set up a schedule it is asking me for a settings-file. Since the Save-button is broken I cannot choose a setting so I'm unfortunately currently botting without automatic breaks. I would love to have this fixed. Otherwise I am very happy with the bot so far.

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10 minutes ago, 200 said:


I purchased "Pro Woodcutter". I start the bot, then the GUI shows up after about 20 seconds or so. I modify some settings and click "Save". The Save-button does nothing. All I can do is press start.

Regarding the scheduling, whenever I try to set up a schedule it is asking me for a settings-file. Since the Save-button is broken I cannot choose a setting so I'm unfortunately currently botting without automatic breaks. I would love to have this fixed. Otherwise I am very happy with the bot so far.

Try Pro Woodcutter Beta


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9 hours ago, Koala said:

Try Pro Woodcutter Beta


Hi, ok thanks, I will! Can I ask how this bot works? When I start the client I have like 10 Pro-scripts but I only paid for one. Can I safely use Pro Woodcutter Beta because I bought Woodcutter Pro? Kind regards

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5 hours ago, 200 said:

Hi, ok thanks, I will! Can I ask how this bot works? When I start the client I have like 10 Pro-scripts but I only paid for one. Can I safely use Pro Woodcutter Beta because I bought Woodcutter Pro? Kind regards

Those are free scripts 🙂


Pro Woodcutter Beta will be replacing Pro Woodcutter soon. If you bought Pro Woodcutter, you should have both available to you. 

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

Those are free scripts 🙂


Pro Woodcutter Beta will be replacing Pro Woodcutter soon. If you bought Pro Woodcutter, you should have both available to you. 

All sorted, thank you! 🙂 Thanks to admins who changed my username too.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

I've tried to reinstall the Epicbot client for the second time, but I've been unable to get the resolution of the GUI larger. And then I've tried to reinstall all Java versions tried to install Java JRE version 8 and then tried to install JDK v8.0 and JDK v21.0 and then the latest one JDK v23.0. But none of them worked.

Could someone please tell me how I can enlarge the inner screen resolution of my client?

I've tried to enlarge the "Initial window width" and "Initial window height" from the General tab of from the Settings, but that didn't work either. There was literally no apply or save button to save the changes.

You can see it in the enclosed screenshots attachments below.

Main GUI (Extremely Small GUI)

Settings View (Extremely Small GUI)

Screenshot 2024-10-28 221754.png

Screenshot 2024-10-28 221803.png

Edited by DogasGaming
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/28/2024 at 4:26 PM, DogasGaming said:

I've tried to reinstall the Epicbot client for the second time, but I've been unable to get the resolution of the GUI larger. And then I've tried to reinstall all Java versions tried to install Java JRE version 8 and then tried to install JDK v8.0 and JDK v21.0 and then the latest one JDK v23.0. But none of them worked.

Could someone please tell me how I can enlarge the inner screen resolution of my client?

I've tried to enlarge the "Initial window width" and "Initial window height" from the General tab of from the Settings, but that didn't work either. There was literally no apply or save button to save the changes.

You can see it in the enclosed screenshots attachments below.

Main GUI (Extremely Small GUI)

Settings View (Extremely Small GUI)

Screenshot 2024-10-28 221754.png

Screenshot 2024-10-28 221803.png

I am having the same issue! Following

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