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Pro Slayer - Loop of Selecting and Taking Items to Inventory and Depositing Back to Bank (During: Blue Dragon Slayer Task Assignment)


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Dear Script Developer,

I would like to point out to you that for Pro Slayer script, I'm facing the issue when the script tries to initiate on the next set of slayer task assignment which is the Blue Dragons, it says the following on the Epicbot log interface screen:

[20:28:20.232][INFO][Pro Slayer][54] Banking because we're using antifires, out of them, and are vulnerable to fire.
[20:28:20.232][INFO][Pro Slayer][54] Banking because we're out of prayer potions and the option to bank for prayer potions was selected.

But the funny part is that I have more than enough supplies which is antifire potions and prayer potions in my bank.

It just keeps on depositing the entire inventory, as shown in the screenshot below.

I've also included the screenshot of my Pro Slayer script setting setup in the enclosed attachment below.

Could you please take a look at this bug and fix it asap please?

Thanks in advance!

Appreciate the support!

Kind Regards,











Edited by DogasGaming
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The main issue lays in the fact that the script doesn't select or pickup anti-fire potions from my bank even though its there. It only picks up the anti-fire potion when I check the prayer option check boxes. But even then it goes in a loop of picking up all the teleportation jewelry and just goes doing that forever.

Could you please look into this issue please? this is quite annoying and keeps on happening with every dragon assignment.

Thanks in advance for the support appreciate it!

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