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  1. Should really be fixed now then... I think you guys forgot to mention that the Bow String was previously selected but turned into a Bow. The actual Bow String didn't exist in the inventory anymore but the game still thinks you have it selected.
  2. This was fixed a while ago, it should unselect the item before banking.
  3. Chet

    Pro Agility

    This is was fixed a while ago. This is was fixed about 2 weeks ago. Both were bugs in the walking API.
  4. Pro Fletcher Features Task system to queue all your fletch tasks Supported fletch tasks: Human like anti-ban
  5. Chet

    Pro Agility

    Can you add a screenshot of the script status and the spot it gets stuck at?
  6. Chet

    Pro Agility

    Pro Agility Features Supported courses: Gnome Stronghold Draynor rooftop Al Kharid rooftop Varrock rooftop Barbarian Outpost Canifis rooftop Ape Atoll Falador Wilderness Seers' village Pollnivneach Rellekka Ardougne Brimhaven Agility Arena Agility Pyramid Progressive-mode (walks to the next course upon reaching required agility level) Stop conditions Time - stop after a certain time has elapsed Level - stop when target agility level is reached Eats food Banks to retrieve new food Picks up Mark of Graces
  7. That's because the max value cannot go below the minimum value
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