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Everything posted by Rithmatist

  1. This script is currently broken. At many parts of the tutorial island it get stuck and doesn't do anything, I have to pauze it manually and click on a object in order for it to continue, please fix this.
  2. fixed: bug report: when smelting bars and it gets level up dialog it thinks its finished and walks to the bank. and a suggestion: let the bot withdraw 14 copper and 14 tin (it would be just 2 mouse clicks) instead of withdrawing 14 copper and right click on tin to withdraw all, in other words set withdraw equivalent to 14 for withdrawing copper/tin to smelt bronze bars. new suggestion( 12-05-2020 ) when smelting bars in edgeville the bots clicks on the furnace icon on the minimap it would be nice to make those clicks more random like in the furnace house itself.
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