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  1. Bug Description: started in al kharid, falador or lumbridge to cook. it walks from any of those places to edgeville and get stuck at the gate it wont open it. How to recreate the bug: try cooking in any of the places mentioned. Screenshots/Videos/GIF:
  2. i was on crabclaw island when both happened. I did have food set as well. EDIT: it must just be on crabclaw island. Seems to be working fine so far while not on that island.
  3. Bug description: Runs fine for a few minutes, then sits there, logs out, back in, and then cant find a path. says it cant find a bank i have full inv of food. im on crabclaw isle. How to recreate the bug. it does it every time ive used the script today. im not sure what causes it. profile - 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 Log - [17:54:03.701][INFO][Script][1485] [Equipment Upgrader] - Adding Progression From Item: Rune Scimitar [17:54:03.902][INFO][Script][1485] [Equipment Upgrader] - Adding Progression From Item: Steel Platebody [17:54:04.084][INFO][Script][1485] Starting Pro Fighter im using pro crabs lol [17:54:04.615][INFO][Script][1489] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 0 Tiles. [17:54:04.673][INFO][Script][1489] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 1764 Tiles. [17:54:04.674][INFO][Script][1489] Starting Loop [17:55:20.375][INFO][Script][1489] Calculating nearest Bank to use... [17:55:21.490][INFO][b][1489] Generated path in 1112ms [17:55:21.492][INFO][Script][1489] Using Bank: ZEAH_SAND_BANK [17:55:21.495][INFO][Script][1489] Completed Setup. Starting... [17:56:25.219][INFO][Script][1489] Aggression Timer has ended. Walking to the reset tile. [17:56:25.220][INFO][b][1489] Navigating to [1758, 3428, 0] [17:56:26.114][INFO][b][1489] Generated path in 891ms [17:56:35.371][INFO][Script][1489] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 2688 Tiles. [17:57:07.024][INFO][b][1489] Navigating to [1779, 3426, 0] [17:57:07.910][INFO][b][1489] Generated path in 883ms [18:06:08.952][INFO][L][1485] Starting random: Login [18:06:22.995][INFO][b][1489] Navigating to [1719, 3465, 0] [18:06:23.055][INFO][L][1485] Starting random: Login [18:06:24.131][INFO][b][1489] Generated path in 1118ms [18:06:24.188][ERROR][f][1489] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:06:27.002][ERROR][f][1489] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:06:30.503][ERROR][f][1489] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:06:35.443][INFO][b][1489] Generated path in 889ms [18:06:35.485][ERROR][f][1489] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:06:38.109][ERROR][f][1489] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:06:39.863][INFO][L][1485] RandomHandler stopped [18:06:49.440][INFO][Script][1489] [Equipment Upgrader] - Adding Progression From Item: Rune Scimitar [18:06:49.622][INFO][Script][1489] [Equipment Upgrader] - Adding Progression From Item: Steel Platebody [18:06:49.805][INFO][Script][1489] Starting Pro Fighter [18:06:50.101][INFO][Script][1499] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 0 Tiles. [18:06:50.149][INFO][Script][1499] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 1764 Tiles. [18:06:50.151][INFO][Script][1499] Starting Loop [18:07:00.793][INFO][Script][1499] Calculating nearest Bank to use... [18:07:01.692][INFO][b][1499] Generated path in 896ms [18:07:01.694][INFO][Script][1499] Using Bank: ZEAH_SAND_BANK [18:07:01.695][INFO][Script][1499] Completed Setup. Starting... [18:07:09.828][INFO][Script][1499] Aggression Timer has ended. Walking to the reset tile. [18:07:09.829][INFO][b][1499] Navigating to [1755, 3428, 0] [18:07:10.709][INFO][b][1499] Generated path in 877ms [18:07:19.050][INFO][Script][1499] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 2667 Tiles. [18:07:19.052][INFO][b][1499] Navigating to [1779, 3426, 0] [18:07:19.926][INFO][b][1499] Generated path in 870ms [18:08:17.928][INFO][Script][1499] Met Training Goal: 50 Attack [18:08:18.835][INFO][Script][1499] Starting Training Goal: 42 Strength with profile test [18:13:03.871][INFO][Script][1499] Looks like NPCs are no longer aggressive. Aggression Timer must be desynced. [18:13:47.215][INFO][Script][1499] Aggression Timer has ended. Walking to the reset tile. [18:13:47.217][INFO][b][1499] Navigating to [1778, 3408, 0] [18:13:48.362][INFO][b][1499] Generated path in 1139ms [18:13:56.869][INFO][Script][1499] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 3110 Tiles. [18:13:56.870][INFO][b][1499] Navigating to [1779, 3426, 0] [18:13:57.750][INFO][b][1499] Generated path in 877ms [18:14:43.564][INFO][Script][1499] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 2688 Tiles. [18:21:09.301][INFO][L][1489] Starting random: Login [18:21:09.897][INFO][b][1499] Navigating to [1719, 3465, 0] [18:21:11.014][INFO][b][1499] Generated path in 1113ms [18:21:11.042][ERROR][f][1499] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:21:13.623][ERROR][f][1499] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:21:16.532][ERROR][f][1499] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:21:21.227][INFO][b][1499] Generated path in 872ms [18:21:21.261][ERROR][f][1499] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:21:22.763][INFO][L][1489] Starting random: Login [18:21:24.735][ERROR][f][1499] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:21:27.373][ERROR][f][1499] No path link handler for (1778, 3418, 0)->(1784, 3458, 0) [18:21:31.184][FATAL][Script][1499] We can't get to a bank. Stopping. [18:21:31.187][INFO][Script][1499] Script stopped, reason: We can't get to a bank. [18:21:31.209][INFO][L][1489] RandomHandler stopped
  4. Bug desc: pathing mess up? how to recreate?: Not exactly sure. [19:15:17.739][INFO][Script][60] [Aggression Timer] Aggression Area Updated: 2728 Tiles. [19:15:17.741][INFO][b][60] Navigating to [1762, 3426, 0] [19:15:18.629][INFO][b][60] Generated path in 883ms [19:30:16.798][INFO][Script][60] Aggression Timer has ended. Walking to the reset tile. [19:30:16.976][INFO][b][60] Navigating to [1774, 3399, 0] [19:30:17.393][INFO][L][71] Starting random: Login [19:30:18.086][INFO][b][60] Generated path in 1102ms [19:30:18.089][ERROR][L][60] Destination is not walkable. [19:30:18.090][WARN][L][60] No valid path found [19:30:31.154][INFO][Script][60] Aggression Timer has ended. Walking to the reset tile. [19:30:31.156][INFO][b][60] Navigating to [1742, 3426, 0] [19:30:31.752][INFO][L][71] Starting random: Login [19:30:32.031][INFO][b][60] Generated path in 872ms [19:30:32.033][ERROR][L][60] Destination is not walkable. [19:30:32.036][WARN][L][60] No valid path found [19:35:32.498][INFO][Script][60] Aggression Timer has ended. Walking to the reset tile. [19:35:32.500][INFO][b][60] Navigating to [1761, 3403, 0] [19:35:32.528][INFO][L][71] Starting random: Login [19:35:33.600][INFO][b][60] Generated path in 1096ms [19:35:33.602][ERROR][L][60] Destination is not walkable. [19:35:33.603][WARN][L][60] No valid path found [19:35:45.062][INFO][Script][60] Aggression Timer has ended. Walking to the reset tile. [19:35:45.064][INFO][b][60] Navigating to [1742, 3426, 0] [19:35:45.658][INFO][L][71] Starting random: Login [19:35:45.933][INFO][b][60] Generated path in 865ms [19:35:45.937][ERROR][L][60] Destination is not walkable. [19:35:45.941][WARN][L][60] No valid path found [19:35:49.208][INFO][L][71] RandomHandler stopped
  5. Bug Description: After each round it uses game necklace to teleport to wt rather than just walk out, worked fine all day yesterday, but now it wants to use the games necklace after each round. How to recreate bug?: not exactly sure?
  6. Bug Description: turns run on while fletching which stops you from fletching. How to recreate the bug: let energy run out and be fletching when it turns run back on. Screenshots/Videos/GIF:
  7. Bug Description: Bot doesnt smelt the last few ores. How to recreate: come close to running out of bars. GUI Settings: Smelting bronze bars in Edgeville. Screenshots/GIF:
  8. Bug Description: started in al kharid to cook shrimp. it walked from al kharid to edgeville How to recreate the bug: try cooking in al kharid Screenshots/Videos/GIF: EDIT: got stuck outside of cooking spot
  9. Might be a bot bug. it happens with the pro woodcutter script. same exact details..
  10. script or bot bug? Bug Description: while mining and user input is set to off i can zoom in and out while mining. while walking to bank items i am unable to zoom user input still disabled. How to recreate the bug: mine and try to zoom in or out with scroll wheel on mouse Screenshots/Videos/GIF: no
  11. Bug Description: doesnt climb stairs to bank at lumbridge. just keeps clicking mini map How to recreate the bug: cut regular trees behind lumbridge and bank Screenshots/Videos/GIF: no
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