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Everything posted by Pseudo

  1. Pseudo#1575 Possibly missed the boat on this one due to time zone differences, but definitely down to get involved if spaces are still open!
  2. Take a look at the link Koala gave you, there's several scripts there you can use as a learning resource, there's ample there for you to be able to make your very own script(s).
  3. Forgot to mention, if you wanted to stop progressing logs/bows at say, maple, then you can do so by just simply modifying the enum.
  4. Another release for everyone. Features: - Fletches headless arrows from level 1-20 fletching (Have approx 5k arrow shafts and feathers banked). - Fletches the best possible bow (short and long) for it's level, progressively, from Oak shortbows all the way to Magic longbows. - Stops if it detects we're out of the necessary supplies. (Have more than enough of each log required for the progression if you intend on leaving it run for a long time unmonitored). import com.epicbot.api.shared.APIContext; import com.epicbot.api.shared.GameType; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.ItemWidget; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.WidgetChild; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.Skill; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.LoopScript; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.ScriptManifest; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.details.Completable; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.paint.frame.PaintFrame; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.time.Time; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.time.Timer; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; @ScriptManifest(name = "Λ Progressive Fletcher", gameType = GameType.OS) public class LambdaProgressiveFletcher extends LoopScript { private final Timer runTimer = new Timer(0); private final Timer experienceTimer = new Timer(5000); private Timer idleTimer = null; private final double version = 0.1; private int experienceGained, startExperience = 0; private final PaintFrame paintFrame = new PaintFrame(); private String status = ""; @Override protected int loop() { if (getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()) { handleCalculations(); doTasks(); } return 50; } private enum Task { FLETCHING, BANKING; @Override public String toString() { return this.name().toLowerCase(); } } private void handleCalculations() { if (startExperience == 0) { startExperience = getAPIContext().skills().get(Skill.Skills.FLETCHING).getExperience(); } else { if (!experienceTimer.isRunning()) { experienceGained = getAPIContext().skills().get(Skill.Skills.FLETCHING).getExperience() - startExperience; experienceTimer.reset(); } } } private void doTasks() { status = getCurrentTask().toString(); switch (getCurrentTask()) { case FLETCHING: doFletching(); break; case BANKING: doBanking(); break; } } private void buildPaintTitle() { paintFrame.setTitle(getManifest().name() + " v" + version); paintFrame.setColumnValueSpacing(0); } private boolean isFletching() { if (!hasInputItems() || idleTimer == null || idleTimer.getElapsed() >= getRandomNumber(2500, 4000)) return false; if (getAPIContext().localPlayer().getAnimation() != -1) { idleTimer = new Timer(0); return true; } return true; } private boolean hasInputItems() { return getAPIContext().inventory().contains(getFletchingMethod().getItemsRequired()); } private void doBanking() { if (getAPIContext().bank().isOpen()) { if (hasRequiredItemsInInventoryOrBank()) { if (getAPIContext().inventory().getCount() > 27) { if (getAPIContext().bank().depositAllExcept("Knife")) { Time.sleep(1800, () -> getAPIContext().inventory().getCount() <= 27); } } else { if (getFletchingMethod().getOutputName().contains("arrow")) { withdrawItem(getFletchingMethod().getItemsRequired()[0], 0); withdrawItem(getFletchingMethod().getItemsRequired()[1], 0); } else { withdrawItem("Knife", 1); withdrawItem(getFletchingMethod().getItemsRequired()[0], 0); } } } else { stop("We don't have the required items!"); } } else { if (getAPIContext().bank().open()) { Time.sleep(2400, () -> getAPIContext().bank().isOpen()); } } } private boolean withdrawItem(String itemName, int amount) { if (!getAPIContext().inventory().contains(itemName)) { if (amount == 0) { getAPIContext().bank().withdrawAll(itemName); } else { getAPIContext().bank().withdraw(amount, itemName); } } return Time.sleep(1000, 2000, () -> hasItem(itemName)); } private boolean hasItem(String itemName) { return getAPIContext().inventory().contains(itemName); } private boolean itemExistsInInventoryOrBank(String item) { return getAPIContext().inventory().contains(item) || getAPIContext().bank().contains(item); } private boolean hasRequiredItemsInInventoryOrBank() { for (String item : getFletchingMethod().getItemsRequired()) { if (item != null) { if (!itemExistsInInventoryOrBank(item)) return false; } } return true; } private void doFletching() { if (!getAPIContext().bank().isOpen()) { if (!isFletching()) { if (isWidgetValid(getTargetWidget())) { getAPIContext().keyboard().sendKey(getWidgetOptionKeyboardKey()); idleTimer = new Timer(0); Time.sleep(1200, 2000, this::isFletching); } else { if (getFletchingMethod().getOutputName().contains("arrow")) { if (handleItem(getFletchingMethod().getItemsRequired()[0], null, 1200, () -> getAPIContext().inventory().isItemSelected())) { handleItem(getFletchingMethod().getItemsRequired()[1], null, 1200, () -> isWidgetValid(getTargetWidget())); } } else { if (handleItem("Knife", null, 1200, () -> getAPIContext().inventory().isItemSelected())) { handleItem(getFletchingMethod().itemsRequired[0], null, 1200, () -> isWidgetValid(getTargetWidget())); } } } } else { idleTimer.reset(); Time.sleep(50, 300); } } else { if (closeBank()) { Time.sleep(1800, () -> !getAPIContext().bank().isOpen()); } } } private boolean hasEscToCloseInterface() { return getAPIContext().vars().getVarbit(4681) == 1; } private boolean closeBank() { if (hasEscToCloseInterface() && getWidgetOptionKeyboardKey() != -1) { getAPIContext().keyboard().sendKey(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); return true; } else return getAPIContext().bank().close(); } private boolean isWidgetValid(WidgetChild widgetChild) { return widgetChild != null && widgetChild.isVisible(); } private WidgetChild getTargetWidget() { return getAPIContext().widgets().get(getParentWidgetId()).find(i -> i != null && getWidgetPredicateString() != null && i.getName().contains(getWidgetPredicateString())); } private int getWidgetOptionKeyboardKey() { if (getWidgetPredicateString() == null) return -1; return getWidgetPredicateString().equals("shortbow") ? KeyEvent.VK_2 : getWidgetPredicateString().equals("longbow") ? KeyEvent.VK_3 : KeyEvent.VK_1; } private String getWidgetPredicateString() { String output = getFletchingMethod().getOutputName(); if (output != null) { if (output.contains("shortbow")) { return "shortbow"; } else if (output.contains("longbow")) { return "longbow"; } else { return "arrow"; } } return null; } private int getParentWidgetId() { return 270; } private Task getCurrentTask() { if (!hasItemsRequired()) { return Task.BANKING; } else return Task.FLETCHING; } private boolean hasItemsRequired() { return inventoryContainsAllOf(getFletchingMethod().getItemsRequired()); } private boolean handleItem(String itemName, String action, int timeOut, Completable condition) { ItemWidget itemWidget = getAPIContext().inventory().getItem(itemName); if (itemWidget == null) return false; if (action != null) { if (itemWidget.interact(action)) { return Time.sleep(timeOut, condition); } } else { if (itemWidget.click()) { return Time.sleep(timeOut, condition); } } return false; } private int getRandomNumber(int min, int max) { return (int) ((Math.random() * (max - min)) + min); } @Override public boolean onStart(String... strings) { System.out.println("Starting " + getManifest().name() + " v" + version); buildPaintTitle(); return true; } private boolean inventoryContainsAllOf(String[] items) { for (String item : items) { if (item != null) { if (!getAPIContext().inventory().contains(item)) { return false; } } } return true; } private String rsFormat(Integer number) { String[] suffix = new String[]{"K", "M", "B", "T"}; int size = (number != 0) ? (int) Math.log10(number) : 0; if (size >= 3) { while (size % 3 != 0) { size = size - 1; } } return (size >= 3) ? +(Math.round((number / Math.pow(10, size)) * 10) / 10d) + suffix[(size / 3) - 1] : +number + ""; } private int getHourlyRate(int i) { return (int) (i / (runTimer.getElapsed() / 3600000.0D)); } private String getExperienceGainedString() { return "Experience gained: " + rsFormat(experienceGained) + " (" + rsFormat(getHourlyRate(experienceGained)) + ")"; } private String getStatusString() { return modifyString(status); } private String modifyString(String string) { String input = string.replace("_", " "); return input.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + input.substring(1); } private final Font boldText = new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 12); @Override protected void onPaint(Graphics2D g2d, APIContext ctx) { if (getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()) { paintFrame.draw(g2d, 20, 30, getAPIContext()); g2d.setFont(boldText); g2d.setColor(Color.WHITE); g2d.drawString("Time running: " + runTimer.toElapsedString(), 20, 70); g2d.drawString("Status: " + getStatusString(), 20, 90); g2d.drawString(getExperienceGainedString(), 20, 110); g2d.drawString("Fletching method: " + getFletchingMethod().toString(), 20, 130); super.onPaint(g2d, ctx); } } private int getFletchingLevel() { return getAPIContext().skills().get(Skill.Skills.FLETCHING).getRealLevel(); } private Fletch getFletchingMethod() { for (Fletch fletch : Fletch.values()) { if (fletch.getRequiredLevel() <= getFletchingLevel() && fletch.getTargetLevel() > getFletchingLevel()) { return fletch; } } return Fletch.HEADLESS_ARROW; } private enum Fletch { HEADLESS_ARROW("Headless arrow", 1, 20, new String[]{"Feather", "Arrow shaft"}), OAK_SHORTBOW("Oak shortbow", 20, 25, new String[]{"Oak logs"}), OAK_LONGBOW("Oak longbow", 25, 35, new String[]{"Oak logs"}), WILLOW_SHORTBOW("Willow shortbow", 35, 40, new String[]{"Willow logs"}), WILLOW_LONGBOW("Willow longbow", 40, 50, new String[]{"Willow logs"}), MAPLE_SHORTBOW("Maple shortbow", 50, 55, new String[]{"Maple logs"}), MAPLE_LONGBOW("Maple longbow", 55, 65, new String[]{"Maple logs"}), YEW_SHORTBOW("Yew shortbow", 65, 70, new String[]{"Yew logs"}), YEW_LONGBOW("Yew longbow", 70, 80, new String[]{"Yew logs"}), MAGIC_SHORTBOW("Magic shortbow", 80, 85, new String[]{"Magic logs"}), MAGIC_LONGBOW("Magic longbow", 85, 100, new String[]{"Magic logs"}); private final int requiredLevel, targetLevel; private final String[] itemsRequired; private final String outputName; Fletch(String outputName, int requiredLevel, int targetLevel, String[] itemsRequired) { this.outputName = outputName; this.requiredLevel = requiredLevel; this.targetLevel = targetLevel; this.itemsRequired = itemsRequired; } public int getRequiredLevel() { return requiredLevel; } public String getOutputName() { return outputName; } public int getTargetLevel() { return targetLevel; } public String[] getItemsRequired() { return itemsRequired; } } } See this post for how to compile local scripts if you intend on using this.
  5. Simple tutorial for you today, I'll be showing you how to compile a script without needing an IDE (ideal for non-scripters/programmers who would like to use a local script or two). 1. If you haven't already, copy and paste the code for the script you want into your favourite text editor. (Notepad works fine). 2. Save the script manually and ensure you set the name exactly as shown below, adding .java on to the end. (Also ensure you're saving as 'All files' not as a '.txt' document). TIP: The name of the script you're compiling can be found like so: The name of the script is the portion highlighted in yellow above (Note: it's case sensitive!). This part of the script will be near the top of the java file for future reference when trawling for the script name. Now save the script like so: Ensure you have the .java file extension written in, and it isn't saved as a standard text document. 3. Load this website. 4. Select the newly saved script file(s) as your 'Source file' , and use the 'epicbot-api-1.x.jar' as your 'Jar file'. It can be found at "C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\EpicBot\dependencies". Your page should now look something like so: If so, you can now hit compile. (The compilation may take a few seconds). 5. Download the newly compiled class file(s) (if it's more than one you can download the .zip supplied and extract it) and move them to: "C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\EpicBot\Scripts". 6. If you followed the steps correctly, your script(s) should now be present in the Script Selector within EpicBot. Happy botting! If you hit any issues or have any queries, post below.
  6. Here you go boys. Have fun. Any problems or queries, hit me up. To clarify, it's written to thieve men and then progress to the Varrock tea stall at level 5. Traversal is dependant on the EB web walker and I haven't had chance to do much testing, so bare that in mind. import com.epicbot.api.shared.APIContext; import com.epicbot.api.shared.GameType; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.*; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.Skill; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.Tile; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.LoopScript; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.ScriptManifest; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.details.Completable; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.time.Time; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.time.Timer; import java.awt.*; import java.util.function.Predicate; @ScriptManifest(name = "Λ Low Level Thief", gameType = GameType.OS) public class LambdaLowLevelThief extends LoopScript { private final Timer runTimer = new Timer(0); private final Timer experienceTimer = new Timer(5000); private final double version = 0.1; private int experienceGained, startExperience = 0; private final Predicate<Item> dropItemsPredicate = i -> i != null && (i.getName().contains("up") || i.getName().contains("pouch")); private final Tile teaStallTile = new Tile(3267, 3414, 0); private final Tile manAreaTile = new Tile(3235, 3399, 0); private String status = ""; @Override protected int loop() { if (getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()) { handleCalculations(); doTasks(); } return 50; } private enum Task { PICKPOCKET_MEN, TEA_STALL, DROP_GARBAGE, OPEN_COIN_POUCHES } private void handleCalculations() { if (startExperience == 0) { startExperience = getAPIContext().skills().get(Skill.Skills.THIEVING).getExperience(); } else { if (!experienceTimer.isRunning()) { experienceGained = getAPIContext().skills().get(Skill.Skills.THIEVING).getExperience() - startExperience; experienceTimer.reset(); } } } private void doTasks() { status = getCurrentTask().toString(); switch (getCurrentTask()) { case DROP_GARBAGE: getAPIContext().inventory().dropAll(dropItemsPredicate); break; case OPEN_COIN_POUCHES: handleItem("Coin pouch", "Open-all", 1200, () -> !getAPIContext().inventory().contains("Coin pouch")); break; case PICKPOCKET_MEN: handlePickpocketing(); break; case TEA_STALL: handleTeaStall(); break; } } private boolean handleTeaStall() { SceneObject emptyStall = getAPIContext().objects().query().nameMatches("Market stall").results().nearest(); int cupsOfTea = getAPIContext().inventory().contains(i -> i.getName().contains("up")) ? getAPIContext().inventory().getCount(i -> i.getName().contains("up")) : 0; if (emptyStall == null) { SceneObject teaStall = getAPIContext().objects().query().nameMatches("Tea stall").actions("Steal-from").results().nearest(); if (handleEntity(teaStall, "Steal-from", teaStallTile)) { return Time.sleep(1200, 1800, () -> getAPIContext().inventory().getCount(cupsOfTea) > cupsOfTea); } } return false; } private boolean handleEntity(GameEntity entity, String action, Tile entityLocation) { if (entity == null) { getAPIContext().webWalking().walkTo(entityLocation); } else if (!entity.canReach(getAPIContext())) { getAPIContext().walking().walkTo(entityLocation); } else { if (entity.isVisible()) { return entity.contains(getAPIContext().mouse().getLocation()) ? getAPIContext().mouse().click() : entity.interact(action); } else { getAPIContext().camera().turnTo(entity); } } return false; } private boolean handlePickpocketing() { if (!isStunned()) { int thievingExperience = getAPIContext().skills().get(Skill.Skills.THIEVING).getExperience(); NPC man = getAPIContext().npcs().query().nameMatches("Man").actions("Pickpocket").results().nearest(); if (handleEntity(man, "Pickpocket", manAreaTile)) { return Time.sleep(1000, 2000, () -> getAPIContext().skills().get(Skill.Skills.THIEVING).getExperience() > thievingExperience); } } else { status = "STUNNED"; } return false; } private boolean isStunned() { return getAPIContext().localPlayer() != null && getAPIContext().localPlayer().getModelHeight() >= 1000; } private Task getCurrentTask() { if (getAPIContext().inventory().isFull()) { return Task.DROP_GARBAGE; } else { ItemWidget coinPouch = getAPIContext().inventory().getItem("Coin pouch"); if (coinPouch != null && coinPouch.getStackSize() >= getRandomNumber(5, 25)) { return Task.OPEN_COIN_POUCHES; } else { int thievingLevel = getAPIContext().skills().get(Skill.Skills.THIEVING).getRealLevel(); return thievingLevel < 5 ? Task.PICKPOCKET_MEN : Task.TEA_STALL; } } } private boolean handleItem(String itemName, String action, int timeOut, Completable condition) { ItemWidget itemWidget = getAPIContext().inventory().getItem(itemName); if (itemWidget == null) return false; if (itemWidget.interact(action)) { return Time.sleep(timeOut, condition); } return false; } private int getRandomNumber(int min, int max) { return (int) ((Math.random() * (max - min)) + min); } @Override public boolean onStart(String... strings) { System.out.println("Starting " + getManifest().name() + " v" + version); return true; } private int getHourlyRate(int i) { return (int) (i / (runTimer.getElapsed() / 3600000.0D)); } @Override protected void onPaint(Graphics2D g2d, APIContext ctx) { g2d.setColor(Color.WHITE); g2d.drawString(getManifest().name() + " v" + version, 20, 30); g2d.drawString("Time running: " + runTimer.toElapsedString(), 20, 50); g2d.drawString("Status: " + status, 20, 70); g2d.drawString("Experience gained: " + experienceGained + " (" + getHourlyRate(experienceGained) + ")", 20, 90); super.onPaint(g2d, ctx); } }
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