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Everything posted by MansNoThot

  1. Was waiting on someone to start one of these! Good luck and like sellout said, if you need anything dont hesitate to ask :)
  2. Welcome back! There are plenty of things coming in the future! Everyone should be prepared!
  3. I have mined a few potatoes! Gz on release!
  4. Gotta try this out! Nice release!
  5. Please watch this youtube video on how to get started with botting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0iPXTxG50Q&t
  6. import com.epicbot.api.shared.APIContext; import com.epicbot.api.shared.GameType; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.Player; import com.epicbot.api.shared.entity.SceneObject; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.Area; import com.epicbot.api.shared.model.Tile; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.LoopScript; import com.epicbot.api.shared.script.ScriptManifest; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.paint.frame.PaintFrame; import com.epicbot.api.shared.util.time.Time; import com.epicbot.api.shared.webwalking.model.RSBank; import java.util.List; import java.awt.*; @ScriptManifest(name = "Thieving test", gameType = GameType.OS) public class mTeas extends LoopScript { private int stage = 0, teas = 0, startEXP, startingLevel; private SceneObject start; private long startTime; private Player localPlayer; private Area bankArea = new Area(3257, 3419, 3250, 3422); private Tile stallTile = new Tile(3268,3410,0); private SceneObject stall; private int getGainedLevels() { return getAPIContext().skills().thieving().getCurrentLevel() - startingLevel; } @Override protected void onPaint(Graphics2D g, APIContext ctx){ PaintFrame pf = new PaintFrame(); pf.setTitle("mTeaStealer"); pf.addLine("Runtime: ", Time.getFormattedRuntime(startTime)); pf.addLine("Theiving level: ", getAPIContext().skills().thieving().getCurrentLevel() + " (+" + (getGainedLevels()) + ")"); pf.draw(g, 0, 90, ctx); } private void walkToStall() { stallTile = new Tile(3268,3410,0); localPlayer = getAPIContext().localPlayer().get(); if (bankArea.contains(localPlayer) || stallTile != (localPlayer.getLocation())&& getAPIContext().inventory().isEmpty()) { getAPIContext().webWalking().walkTo(stallTile); } } private void bank() { localPlayer = getAPIContext().localPlayer().get(); getAPIContext().webWalking().walkTo(RSBank.VARROCK_EAST.getTile()); if (bankArea.contains(localPlayer)) { if (!getAPIContext().bank().isOpen()) { getAPIContext().bank().open(); Time.sleep(3000, () -> getAPIContext().bank().isOpen()); } } if ( getAPIContext().bank().isOpen()) { getAPIContext().bank().depositInventory(); } if (getAPIContext().bank().isOpen() && !getAPIContext().inventory().contains("Cup of tea")) { getAPIContext().bank().close(); } if (!getAPIContext().bank().isOpen() && getAPIContext().inventory().isEmpty()) { walkToStall(); } } private SceneObject getStall() { return getAPIContext().objects().query().nameMatches("Tea stall").visible().results().nearest(); } @Override protected int loop() { if (!getAPIContext().client().isLoggedIn()) { return 500; } if(getAPIContext().inventory().isFull()) { bank(); Time.sleep(3000,() -> getAPIContext().inventory().isEmpty()); }else { if (stallTile != getAPIContext().localPlayer().getLocation()) { walkToStall(); } stall = getStall(); if (stall != null && stall.interact("Steal-from")) { Time.sleep(9000, () -> getAPIContext().objects().query().actions("Steal-from").results().isEmpty()); Time.sleep(9000, () -> !getAPIContext().objects().query().actions("Steal-from").results().isEmpty()); } if(!stallTile.equals(getAPIContext().localPlayer().getLocation())) { getAPIContext().webWalking().walkTo(stallTile); } } return 1000; } @Override public boolean onStart(String... strings) { startingLevel = getAPIContext().skills().thieving().getCurrentLevel(); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return true; } } Enjoy! Lmk If you have any problems 🙂
  7. if (getAPIContext().skills().woodcutting().getExperience()
  8. So either a rune Craft script. Or a rune runner script. It is always possible to make.
  9. I think on this script idea it wont be a well known script/idea so the best thing would be to try and make it yourself. If you have any questions just ask. 🙂
  10. If both of you have purchases something with the old epicbot. Dm mint what email you used to buy the stuff and he will give you the OG member rank.
  11. Welcome to EB. Cant wait to see some proggies!
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