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  1. if (!WARRIOR_AREA.contains(getAPIContext().localPlayer().getLocation())) { getAPIContext().webWalking().walkTo(WARRIOR_AREA.getRandomTile()); } else if (!isActioning()) { if (chickenNPC != null) { attack(); } else if (getAPIContext().localPlayer().getHealthPercent()) { eat();
  2. Can you add the bank chest to rsbank? -thank you!
  3. If anyone needs this it's simple it's in the seeing menu. First you have to click "add" then rename your mouse profile. Then you can easily click around to change you profile so it is different than everyone else running it. Decreases chance of ban if I am correct here.
  4. I'm looking to change my mouse setting within the epic bot client but I don't know where to begin... Can someone help me out here ?
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