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ausfergu's Achievements

Bronze Member

Bronze Member (1/10)

  1. Hey Koala hope you've been well. Do you have any update? Been using the MLM bot for past few weeks and its awesome. Thank you.
  2. You're Awesome. Thank you! No rush at all. 😃 Everything else works - seems to bank / chop / fletch / light etc... just like its supposed to. 🙂
  3. Hey Koala, Bug Description: lights braziers moves directly to waiting - every game- I've had skip games set to 10% , 90% and in-between... Any suggestions on what may be causing this? Edit: have had -Move to waiting - anywhere from 0 to 50 etc.. doesn't seem to work.. - worked for a little bit for a few runs when I set a time limit but otherwise always bugs out.
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